Cathy's Crawly Composters, Vermicomposting, Indoor composting with Red Wiggler Worms


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Cathy's Crawly Composters - Vermicomposting

Cathy's Crawly Composters


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Caledon Enterprise

May 27, 2010


Learning to love great brown fields of creepy, crawly, composters

By Kay MacDuffee, Country Roads

Listen up parents, teachers, kids and all seekers of knowledge! On June 1 in the auditorium of the Albion Bolton Community Centre, a dynamite presentation is happening: LIFE LESSONS AND LEARNING TO LOVE WORMS.

Sound a little quirky? This is the last Green TEA speakers night until fall and my bet is that it may just be one of the best.

Among other things, we will witness a vermicomposting demo by a wise woman recognized with several environmental and business awards.

Cathy Nesbitt is a worm advocate and founder of Cathy’s Crawly Composters – a business that specializes in vermicomposing and organic diversion. Nesbitt has been involved in countless collection/composting research projects and diverted several tonnes of waste from landfills. But it’s her thought-provoking delivery and delightful sense of humour that keeps her in demand as a speaker.

This and her inspirational story telling continue to raise awareness about sustainable living. She believes there are lots of solutions to the garbage crisis, one of which is vermicomposting.

Come and discover how to convert organic matter into nature’s finest soil amendment and how red wiggler worms benefit the environment. This engaging presentation will include a 15-minute session for kids who would like to make their own mini worm kit. For a mere $5 they can take one of Nesbitt’s kits home. This presentation will inspire kids from ages 4 to 94.

Sharing the billing with Cathy Nesbitt is Damian MacSeain. Born in Wawa and raised in Peel as a son of Irish immigrants, MacSeain longed to know more about the relationship between people, community and place.

Together with his Aboriginal wife and children, Damian ventured north to his wife’s fly-in James Bay Cree community, where timeless tradition and modern development meet head on.

What, you ask, could this have to do with me and my lifestyle? Everything.

In his presentation, “Life Lessons From the North: A Year in Peetabeck”, MacSeain uses pictures and stories to communicate his Top Ten Take-aways from this breathtaking adventure.

I have had the pleasure of seeing this presentation and I have no hesitation in recommending it. Sometimes all we need is a little perspective to see our lives very differently.

Refreshments served at Green Tea events are always a tasty and healthy highlight. Fair trade, organic coffee from Palgrave’s Buckstown Beans, organic teas from Caledon East’s Tea Boutique, and snacks from Bolton’s Soup du Jour will fill the bill on June 1, and don’t forget to bring your own mug.

ABCC auditorium (upstairs) from 7 – 9 p.m. Doors open at 6:30. Students and seniors admitted free, as are Green T members. $5 for everyone else.

Please contact Patti Foley to reserve your seat: or (905) 951-0625.

How about we leave you with words from Cathy Nesbitt – “Without awareness, action is impossible.”

And that is what Green TEA is all about.

“Without awareness, action is impossible.”


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Cathy's Crawly Composters

Bradford, Ontario
Local: (905) 775-9495
Toll Free: 1-888-775-9495