Cathy's Crawly Composters, Vermicomposting, Indoor composting with Red Wiggler Worms


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Credit Valley Horticultural Society

6 - 2400 Dundas St. West, Suite 124, Mississauga, Ontario





March 28, 2006



Dear Cathy,

I wish to thank you for coming to speak at the March Credit Valley Horticultural Society general meeting. Your topic was very intriguing and I think a lot of people were curious and some a little skeptical before you began your talk. Certainly, judging by the reaction that was evident as you spoke, the members that were able to attend this meeting were very happy that they came out. You are an excellent speaker and it is obvious that you are passionate about what you do. It seemed that you could have gone on much longer, but, unfortunately time was against us.

On behalf of the society, I would like to also thank you very much for your donation through the sales of the bags of worm castings. It is unusual for a speaker to 'give back' to the society in this manner and I would like you to know how much it is appreciated. As you know, societies like ours take on many community beautification projects throughout the year and your contribution is appreciated. I wish you well in your very worthwhile endeavours to 'green' our planet.

Yours Truly

Lynda Kudrewatych
Credit Valley Horticultural Society



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Cathy's Crawly Composters

Bradford, Ontario
Local: (905) 775-9495
Toll Free: 1-888-775-9495