Thank you for participating on the panel "Women's Diverse Journeys towards Economic Development" on November 6th, 2007 at the Ontario Skills Institute on Women's Economic Development. It was very generous of you to take the time to share your personal and business story with us.
We have received outstanding feed back about your panel presentation. Participants at the conference said they found your panel exciting, inspirational and moving. In the words of one participant", These women were awesome!" Another participant said, "Bringing these women/stories here was really inspirational - gives us older sorts hope that the next generation is moving up."
On behalf of all of the partners of the CWF Economic Development Collaborative Fund and the Planning Committee, thank you for contributing to the success of the Ontario Skills Institute. We truly appreciate your willingness to share your story with us.
Thank you for helping us to invest in the power of women and the
dreams of girls!
Nila Gupta
Manager, Economic Development Collaborative Fund
Canadian Women's Foundation