Cathy's Crawly Composters, Vermicomposting, Indoor composting with Red Wiggler Worms


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Cathy's Crawly Composters - Vermicomposting

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Inside Toronto

March 26, 2015

Kyla Dixon-Muir has been in the garden every single week – including right through the winter - for many years. She will be taking part in Seedy Saturday at Scarborough Blessed Cardinal Newman Catholic High School on March 28.

Seedy Saturday in Scarborough set for Blessed Cardinal Newman Catholic High School

Gardening experts offer advice,
seed exchanges at annual event.

Story by: Mike Adler

A lot of people are reluctant to try indoor composting, and that’s how Cathy Nesbitt felt too - until the magic of the worms won her over.

“They turn garbage into gold,” said Nesbitt, who has done this for 13 years and figures she’s diverted several tons of waste from landfill.

“Compost is great, worm composting is greater.”

Nesbitt is one of many experts on hand for the Scarborough Seedy Saturday and Green Fair this Saturday, March 28.

People can trade or buy heirloom seeds from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Blessed Cardinal Newman Catholic High School, which is on Brimley Road south of Kingston Road.

There will also be activities for children and more than 40 vendors and groups offering products and free advice.

Nesbitt, owner of Cathy’s Crawly Composters in Bradford said worm composting is ideal for anybody who doesn’t have space for outdoor composting or access to a green bin.

A composter in your kitchen, she said, doesn’t smell and won’t be a spawning ground for fruit flies if it’s managed properly. “A little bit of maintenance is required.”

Another expert at this year’s fair is Kyla Dixon-Muir, development coordinator at the Riverdale Meadow Community Garden, the city’s oldest.

She’ll be leading a workshop on how to start different seeds indoors or outdoors, using “simple low-cost and no-cost ways,” in order to extend the growing seasons of a garden.

This year, Dixon-Muir is also introducing a series of instructional DVDs on how to “broaden your garden’s cornucopia, and to achieve more bountiful harvests.”

Entrance to the fair is $2, or pay what you can. You can learn more about this annual event at


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Cathy's Crawly Composters

Bradford, Ontario
Local: (905) 775-9495
Toll Free: 1-888-775-9495