Cathy's Crawly Composters, Vermicomposting, Indoor composting with Red Wiggler Worms


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Cathy's Crawly Composters

Sprouting Instructions

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The Perfect Organic Sprout Grower
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From Beans ...

To Sprouts in
24 - 48 hours.




How to use your Super Simple Sprouter:


This sprouter is fast and simple to use. Sprouts are nature's perfect food. All vitamins, enzymes, proteins and most minerals originate from the baby sprout.

How to use your Hydroponic Sprout Grower

  • Place 1-3 tablespoons of mung beans onto the stainless steel screen.
  • Rinse under tap water.
  • Spread beans evenly over the screen. Pre-soaking is not necessary with most beans.
  • Place sufficient water in the plastic dish to touch the bottom of the beans/seeds. NEVER cover the beans/seeds with water.
  • Place the dome cover over them to collect the humidity.
  • Every 12 hours pour off murky water.
    Rinse the beans and replace with clean fresh water.
    (Repeat this step every 12 hours.)
  • Start eating sprouts when the root is as long as the size of the bean (usually 24-48 hours).
  • Smaller seeds may have to be soaked in a cup overnight to make them swell before placing them onto the screen. A smaller screen mesh or coffee filter can be placed on the stainless steel screen to stop smaller beans from falling through. The plastic dome forms a humidity chamber.

Prior to use wash unit in warm soapy water. Push down on the middle of screen to make sure it is flat.

The Super Simple Sprouter is not Dishwasher Safe. Hand wash only.

Sprouts are so high in nutritional value that they are considered nature's Superfood. Packed with vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes and phytochemicals, sprouts have been shown to help digestion, increase energy levels and provide a boost to the immune system.

Order your super simple sprouter today!


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Cathy's Crawly Composters

Bradford, Ontario
Local: (905) 775-9495
Toll Free: 1-888-775-9495